A downloadable game for Windows

Welcome to your new life on a comfortable and lovely farm! You are now a cattle farmer, but there is so much more to the journey than you originally thought there was...

Water - Did you know cattle are a huge guzzler of water resources? You will need to carefully monitor the water level so you don’t dry up the water ways. Your cattle farm can become a serious cost to the surrounding environment!

Food - Besides the huge water intake, cattle also eat a ton! ( Well not literally... that'd take about 83 days.)  Your land plot is relatively small so the chances of you needing to buy feed for them soon are high!

Health - As a farmer you also have to consider the health of your livestock. Keep them happy and healthy with plenty of water and food; no need for other medical needs, it's all taken care of! If you keep your cows happy, who knows you may have a few calves on the way.

Watch out though, if everything goes badly, you’ll have to close it all down.

This game was made originally in 7 days for the #JingleGameJam24 .

Created by a team of two friends with love (and stress):

Doc Kwyjibo - Game Director, Technical Lead, Audio Producer
Orange Ramphastos - Graphics Lead, Social Lead


creekside-cattle.zip 69 MB

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